Monday, March 26, 2007

My Open Source Tools

  • No Java developer's list can start without Eclipse. Its a great tool, with its fair share of woes.
  • Notepad++. I have not used it much, but my Manager thinks its better than TextPad (shareware) or EditPlus (shareware) for the low-level use that we encounter, and better than Notepad. Its a light tool with nice code highlighting and stuff.
  • Tail for Win32. A really nifty tool if you work with log files that need to be monitored regularly from a Windows box. Like I test on JBoss and need to monitor the log file for some critical messages. I was using TextPad earlier and had to move focus out of it and then back to it just to be able to refresh the screen. Then my Manager told me about Tail for Windows. And its really great. It also helps you highlight keywords you may set, so whenever those keywords appear in the file you are 'tailing', it highlights them, making your task of monitoring the file really easy.
  • Putty. A SSH client for windows. Its a great one because it mimics the LINUX terminal type and so gives a great view. Also good for normal telnet (non SSH).
More later

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Whatever starts

Right now, I have no idea for the name of my blog. And no direction for the blog topics.

This is yet another attempt at blogging regularly. I really hope I stick to my commitment and write something useful every couple of days. I hope to make it a habit worth cherishing.

Bon voyage.

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